Nowadays, many IT services are being developed, and we’ve already written about how to choose a development team. However, developing an app for a startup differs from working on other programs, such as creating software for company automation. There are specific nuances to consider.
First, let’s clarify what a startup is and how it differs from other companies.
A startup is a new business project based on an innovative idea or an unconventional use of existing technology.
For example, creating a client app for booking one car wash is not a startup. However, developing an aggregator app where car washes register and clients can choose the right offer and book services would qualify as a startup.
Next, we will explain the criteria for selecting a development team for a startup app.
1. Ability to generate ideas
The development team has been immersed in the IT field for years, while for you, the Client, this might be new. You may not always be aware of what’s already on the market, what features are currently used in apps, etc. Therefore, the team’s ideas for improving functionality or tips for simplifying user interaction can be very helpful.
How to check this skill: Usually, it’s clear from the beginning of communication how well the team understands the task and whether they share their ideas and suggestions.
2. Ability to find alternative solutions
Sometimes you come up with a unique app scenario, possibly featuring a novel solution that’s not yet on the market. You’re excited about your idea, but the developers say it can’t be implemented due to technological limitations. Should you give up? Absolutely not.
An important quality for a development team is the ability to propose alternative solutions: “This can’t be done, but we’ve come up with another option, and we’ve also prepared plans B and C.” For this, the team must have the necessary qualifications and engage in continuous learning.
How to check this skill: Look at how long the team has been working and how many projects they’ve developed. Teams often share training and qualification updates on social media.
We had a similar case when developing the Vicard startup app.
The Client came with the idea of enabling fast electronic business card exchange via NFC. The concept was that users could share business cards as easily as paying with a smartphone by holding it to a terminal.
“Sounds cool!” we thought. “Is that even possible?”
The answer: not quite. iOS devices can receive data via NFC but cannot send it. So, we proposed several alternatives, including using Bluetooth. However, each option had its drawbacks.
In the end, the Client chose to add other ways to share business cards (through WhatsApp, QR codes, etc.). For iOS, we created a “Send card in response” button, where data is sent via a server but appears to the user like an NFC exchange.

3. Readiness for constantly changing requirements
Developing a startup app involves constant changes to the task, with new ideas or adjustments to requirements. That’s why it’s especially important for the team to work with an agile methodology.
Don’t try to lock in the overall scope and cost of the work in the contract. Doing so would create difficulties for you. Fixing the work also means fixing the functionality. If you decide to make changes during development, you won’t be able to, as the contract would require waiting until the project is complete.
Formally, developers would be right, as they fulfilled their obligations. However, this doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get the product you want.
How to check this skill: Ask the team about their development methodology. The entire development process is usually discussed before signing the contract.
4. Ability to separate the important from the unimportant
It’s essential to remember that a quick launch is crucial, especially for a startup, as competitors are always active. The sooner the first version of the product is created and released, the faster feedback can be collected to refine the service. This is precisely where an MVP comes into play.
The client may not always be able to decide which features are essential to implement now and which can be postponed. Everything seems important and necessary for the user. A skilled project manager will help create a development plan, detailing what will be implemented and at what stage.
How to check this skill: Ask how quickly the developers can release the app with a specific set of features.
Having these skills as developers is undoubtedly a significant advantage for a startup client. However, don’t limit yourself to just checking during the conversation. Take a look at the portfolio of potential candidates and study examples of completed applications.